Our Vision

“All for one – and one for all” towards a safe, orderly, disciplined and well governed Valhalla.

Our Mission

We are an

  • a-political
  • non-racial
  • non-denominational
collective representation of the interests of all property owners and formal residents of Valhalla and Extensions with
  • National-
  • and Local Government Organisations as well as
  • any other Stake Holder Organisations
in the area towards establishing and maintaining a
  • safe
  • orderly
  • disciplined
  • and well governed
residential area where households, businesses and the community can enjoy a high quality of life where they
  • live,
  • work,
  • play,
  • socialise and
  • travel.

Our Strategic Goals

  • Ensuring effective metro service delivery
  • Making Valhalla safe and secure
  • Collective representation of residents with regards to interaction with external stakeholders
  • Liaison and interaction with bordering stakeholders
  • Mobilisation of the residents of Valhalla and extensions

Our Values

The Members of RAVE subscribe to the following values:
  • Mutual consideration, trust and respect
  • Transparency and honesty
  • Teamwork – towards achieving optimum performance
  • Discipline, including self-discipline forms the cornerstone of RAVE
  • No material gain or enrichment through involvement with RAVE
  • Strictly A-Political, non-racial and non-denominational in our support to RAVE towards the achievement of its stated Strategic Goals

Why do we exist?

We realised there is a collective need to:
  • Solve the problem of crime and “take our suburb back”!
  • Make sure that we receive the municipal services that we pay for!
  • Ensure consideration and respect for one another in the way that we form part of the community?

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